Granite 2 Goulburn Rocky Outcrops and Paddock Trees
Community and Volunteer Action Grant from DELWP 2019-2021
This project aims to link habitat around the foothills of the Strathbogie Ranges by connecting isolated rocky outcrops and scattered paddock trees to core blocks of remnant woodland. This project builds on the success of our recent ‘Our Catchments Our Communities’ climate change adaption initiative, delivered in partnership with Goulburn Broken CMA, called ‘Bogies and Beyond’ which identified the declining health of mature paddock trees as a priority for community action. Our project focuses on protecting grassy woodland eucalypt species in granitic rocky outcrops on private land and revegetating with tree species that have the potential to become regent honeyeater habitat.
Community interest in being involved this project has been strong with five sites selected for funding. These sites have exceeded our targets of 26ha protected and 10 ha revegetated. All sites have now been fenced and landholders are looking forward to a good planting season this autumn.
• 20ha at Gooram
• 3.2ha Caveat
• 3.3 ha Highlands
• 1.4ha Kobyboyn
• 5.8 ha Ruffy
Total 35.7 ha

This project is now closed but if you have a potential Granite 2 Goulburn site for future funding please let us know and we can put you on our waiting list.
Email for more details Janet Hagen: