Our first walk in this new series of 5 walks took place on a beautiful spring morning. A chilly breeze soon gave way to perfect conditions, where 17 keen trekkers set out to conquer the Smiths Bridge to Polly McQuinns adventure.
Knee high grass mixed with wombat holes, blackberrys, fence crossings and snakes made for a challenging and diverse walk. As a reward, walkers were greeted with some truly special and seldom visited sights of the Seven Creeks reserve.
This walk joined two previous walks (Polly McQuinns to Gooram Falls and Brookleigh Rd to Strathbogie) together, meaning those lucky enough to have attended them all have experienced a long stretch of the best of the Seven Creeks.
The walk concluded around 12:30pm, with the group covering a solid 7.2km. As with previous walks, the locations of interesting features and blackberry bushes were logged via GPS, and a series of geo-tagged photos has been uploaded to the SRCMN Flickr for public viewing.
Thanks to all who came and ensured a speedy return home by helping out with the car shuffle.