A bird survey of the Strathbogie Ranges was undertaken by Chris Tzaros in Autumn 2019
- 73 sites surveyed of varying habitat types
- Baseline data (no previous systematic surveys)
What is important for bird habitat?
- Mistletoe for food and nesting
- Shrubs! Shrubs! Shrubs!
- Fallen timber for food and nesting camouflage
- Mature, hollow bearing trees
- Revegetation
Fun Facts
- 22% of surveyed birds are Seed Eaters
- 56% of surveyed birds are Insect Eaters
- 7% are Nectar and Fruit Eaters
- 22% of surveyed birds are hollow dependent
What species were found?
A total of 58 species and 1483 individuals.
- Australian King-Parrot
- Australian Magpie
- Australian Raven
- Brown Thornbill
- Brown Treecreeper
- Brown-headed Honeyeater
- Buff-rumped Thornbill
- Common Blackbird
- Common Starling
- Crested Pigeon
- Crested Shrike-tit
- Crimson Rosella
- Diamond Firetail
- Eastern Rosella
- Eastern Spinebill
- Eastern Yellow Robin
- Flame Robin
- Galah
- Gang Gang Cockatoo
- Goldfinch
- Golden-headed Cisticola
- Golden Whistler
- Grey Butcherbird
- Grey Currawong
- Grey Fantail
- Grey Shrike-thrush
- Laughing Kookaburra
- Long-billed Corella
- Mistletoebird
- New holland Honeyeater
- Pied Currawong
- Pink Robin
- Red Wattlebird
- Red-browed Finch
- Red-browed Treecreeper
- Red-rumped Parrot
- Restless Flycatcher
- Scarlet Robin
- Speckled Warbler
- Spotted Pardalote
- Striated Pardalote
- Striated Thornbill
- Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
- Superb Fairy-wren
- Tawny Frogmouth
- Varied Sittella
- Weebill
- Welcome Swallow
- White-browed Scrubwren
- White-eared honeyeater
- White-naped Honeyeater
- White-plumed Honeyeater
- White-throated Treecreeper
- White-winged Chough
- Willie Wagtail
- Yellow faced-honeyeater
- Yellow Thornbill
- Yellow-rumped Thornbill
Whats next?
Spring bird surveys to see what species move in over summer.
For more information contact: Jenny Wilson, Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority
e: jennyw@gbcma.vic.gov.au Ph:58227715