A group of people came together by an open fire at Polly McQuinn’s on Sunday to learn printmaking techniques from local artist, Dana Coleman.
Participants walked around this wonderful spot collecting leaves, seed heads and natural objects.
Dana then demonstrated how to monoprint these objects onto paper and create a rubbing with graphite.
There was much fun and experimenting as people played with these printing methods.
Some went on to add colour to their prints, using water colour paints, whilst others took a break for a yarn by the fire.
Dana developed her love for these methods of printmaking in Indonesia, where she practised with both adults and children.
“It gives you a good opportunity to take a close look a the vegetation around you and it’s so easy to get beautiful results quickly”, she said.
The Strathbogie Ranges Conservation Management Network (SRCMN) will be hosting a series of art workshops over the coming months that aim to bring new insights into the natural world.
This Awe and Wonder in Nature project is funded by Landcare and is an invitation for participants to connect more deeply with their environment.
Excerpt taken from the Euroa Gazette, written by Carol Crowe.