Surrounded on all sides by cleared, agricultural land, the Strathbogie Forest is a habitat island for the thousands of forest-dependent species that live there. Though the forest faces a number of challenges (feral species, fragmentation, climate change), it also represents critical habitat for numerous species.
Our 2017 pilot project confirmed the presence of several threatened and iconic species in the forest. It also identified substantial knowledge gaps and survey technique limitations. The current project expanded the survey coverage and incorporated thermal imaging to survey small, cryptic species.
This citizen science project has also partnered with the Victorian Biolinks Alliance’s Glideways Project, to improve our understanding of the five species of marsupial glider that co-habit the landscapes we live in. Have a look at the SRCMN’s Glideways Project, for more on this.
Project updates and results have bee posted on Strathbogie Ranges Nature View and include:
- Strathbogie Forest Citizen Science – Overview
- Spotlight and infra-red survey
- Strathbogie trailcams
- Mammals of the Strathbogie Ranges
This project was supported by the Victorian Government – Biodiversity On-Ground Action.