Justus welcomes Debbie Holmes to the SRCMN team as ‘Wetlands to Woodlands’ project coordinator .

Strathbogie Ranges CMN treasurer, Justus Hagen welcomes Debbie Holmes to the team. Debbie is coordinating the delivery of our Communities for Nature grant called ‘Wetlands to Woodlands’ in the Swanpool area. Another well known landcare  identity , Deb Hill is helping to deliver the project in the Warrenbyne area. Bert Lobert  is managing the project .

Debbie and Ian Holmes have some great ‘landcare’ projects happening on their property . Janet and Justus visited again this year in their capacity as direct seeding contractors to seed new sites and revisit some older sites . They were delighted to see the changes in the landscape on the Holmes’ beautiful property  such as  healthy understorey becoming established  , protected wetlands and creeklines as well as shelterbelt being planned  for stock health.

Debbie will be hosting the  Swanpool ‘Frogs and Farm Dams’  evening on Friday October 19 ( see events calendar) at her own farm dam .