Warrenbayne streams and wetlands evening.

Streams and wetlands are the life-blood of our landscapes.

Come along to hear how Warrenbayne’s streams and Wetlands are faring.

Daren Giling from Monash University will tell us about his recent research and Debbie Hill will provide an update on the progress of the Farm Wetlands for Woodlands project.

Thursday 20th June, 7 – 9.30 pm – see flier.


Warrenbayne Farm Wetland Flier


The evening was well attended and there was plenty of interest shown in Darren’s study results and in our Farm Dams to Wetlands Project. Several of the project landholders came along and there was lively discussion over supper about frogs, dams, revegetation and more.

In response to the event flier, one landholder remembers seeing the distinctive Bibron’s Toadlet (image above) as a child on their home property, several decades ago. So that’ll be one of the first places we check when this species starts calling/breeding (next autumn).

Getting ready to take our seats - Warrenbayne Community Hall.
Getting ready to take our seats – Warrenbayne Community Hall.