Farm wetland demonstration videos.


As well as working with landholders to add-value to their farm dams by encouraging the return of native vegetation and wildlife, we also set about to document this journey on film. To make this happen, we engaged a group of young, independent filmmakers from Melbourne, Trade Creative Media.  I think it’s fair to say we all learnt a lot during the filming process, not least the landholders that stood in front of the camera. We hope you enjoy their story-telling.

These videos are hosted on Trade Creative’s Vimeo page. Viewing them is free, but note the download size.

Video 1. Introduction and the Haywood wetland (231 MB)

Video 2. The Neander wetland at Warrenbayne (143 MB)

Video 3. Euroa Arboretum & Plant Nursery ‘Chain of Ponds’ constructed wetland (112 MB)

Video 4. Water quality monitoring (264 MB)

If you want to see some of their other work go to TradeCreative’s short-film- ‘Focus on Fauna – wildlife of the Strath Creek District’

Matt, Ken and Nathan at the finish of filming.
Matt, Ken and Nathan at the finish of filming.


But wait, there’s more! Just as we were gearing up for our filming, we heard that wetland ecologist Matt Herring was looking for some northern Victorian farm wetlands for a film he was in the process of completing – Farm Dam Blitz – making wildlife welcome. Suffice to say that a couple of our project landholders also star in Matt & Nathan’s excellent short film – enjoy.